Accountability check-ins to help you stay on track with your goals

Breathwork and mindfulness practices to reduce stress and maintain focus

Bi-weekly 60-minute group coaching sessions led by an experienced, certified coach

A supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs

Practical tools and techniques to apply in your business and life

Access to an online group for ongoing support and connection between sessions.

Deep discussions on topics relevant to your entrepreneurial journey.

This program includes:

Shift innate biases in judgement into rational decision-making.

Transform your inner dialogue from self-doubt to increased confidence

Retrain your nervous system to better handle chaos and uncertainty.

Master your entrepreneurial mindset

Make immediate and consistent gains in the skills you need as a successful founder:

Founders Group Highlights

Learn More

Let's Start!

Discover the link between breathwork, stress management, and peak performance in this engaging podcast with top executive coach, Sue Firth.

why breathwork works

As a member of The Founders Group, you'll also have the opportunity to participate in our Reciprocity Circle.

This is a space where members can offer their skills, knowledge, or resources to help others in the group, and in turn, request help when needed.

By fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual aid, we create a strong, supportive community that helps everyone achieve their goals and overcome challenges.

Bonus Feature: Reciprocity Circle

$300 per month for bi-weekly sessions and access to the online community.

This small group format (6-10 founders per group) allows hands-on engagement, accountability, intimate discussions, and personalized support.


Together, we'll create a powerful support system that empowers you to achieve your goals, overcome challenges, and thrive as an entrepreneur.

Don't let the challenges of entrepreneurship hold you back any longer.

If you're ready to invest in yourself, your business, and your future, join The Founders Group today.

Join The Founders Group and create the abundant life you deserve.

Book A Call

I'm Ready!

about John Hall

A 30-year Fortune 100 tech leader, John left corporate life to found his own coaching business, focused on cultivating the relationships and purpose that drive fulfillment.

Now, he coaches executives and entrepreneurs via a science-backed methodology blending neural science, breathwork, and somatic practices to manage stress, boost self-confidence, and unlock potential.  His somatic techniques remain grounded in real-world application - reducing anxiety, managing stress, and improving self-trust.